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Current Members

Members: Current Membership

i2Coalition membership comprises of diverse and innovative key players from across the internet infrastructure industry and around the world.

Our members include hosting providers, domain registries, domain registrars, cloud services providers, data centers, payment processors, software developers and more. We’ve grown from an initial 38 members to including all of the leaders in the Internet infrastructure space as our members. Our growing global membership comes from eight countries, based in North America, Europe and expanding worldwide.

“The infrastructure of the Internet is massive with loads of companies working in concert to make sure that end-users have a seamless experience online. Because we are so spread out geographically, working in this space can be a bit isolating. The i2Coalition allows those of us in the Internet industry working towards a common goal to be formally joined together.”

~ Michele Neylon, CEO, Blacknight


The i2Coalition’s work is supported by a membership compromised of leaders in the Internet infrastructure community. i2Coalition members receive detailed, monthly policy reports, benefits from other members, access to special events, and more. 


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