News: In the Media

i2Coalition January 2023 Legislative Update
i2Coalition January 2023 Legislative Brief
Your brief update on important Internet policy issues OUTLOOK The U.S. Congress spent much of its efforts during January on organizing and populating its legislative and operational committees. Following a lengthy process involving fifteen rounds of voting and extensive negotiations on rule changes and committee assignments with a select group of Republican conservative Representatives who […]
Gonzalez v. Google LLC: i2Coalition files amici brief with U.S. Supreme Court
On January 18, 2023, the i2Coalition, joined by our members cPanel, LLC, Identity Digital Inc.,, Inc. and Tucows Inc., filed an amici brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in Gonzalez v. Google LLC, pointing out Section 230’s foundational role in allowing the Internet’s infrastructure to function efficiently and effectively without the threat of crippling […]

Watch: Weathering The Transatlantic Tug-of-War On on Global Digital Privacy
i2Coalition EU Monitoring Report: January 2023
i2Coalition Releases 2022 Annual Report: 10 Years of Advocacy and Counting
The 2022 i2Coalition Annual Report shares our key achievements as the leading voice of those who build the Internet. This year we celebrated ten years of advocacy: the i2Coalition has been protecting this vital industry since 2012 by promoting the adoption of effective public policies that support continued growth and innovation. In the document below, […]