News: In the Media
i2Coalition Urges Surveillance Panel on Greater Transparency, Multistakeholder Process
The i2Coalition has been at the forefront calling for greater transparency and privacy protections concerning the U.S. government’s surveillance activities. The likely economic impacts from the government’s program have yet to be fully realized though estimates already predict a $35 billion loss in revenue over the next three years for the U.S. cloud computing industry. […]
Why the Internet Infrastructure Coalition is Essential in the Post Snowden World
The Internet Infrastructure Coalition brings together the diverse community that builds the physical Internet. Though the Internet Infrastructure industry is generally thought of as a group dominated by large telecommunications firms and a few dominant Internet powerhouses, the companies that build and provide the vast majority of the world’s Internet infrastructure are small to medium-sized […]
Goodlatte’s Discussion Draft: One Step Closer to Needed Patent Reform
Abuse of the current patent system is a chronic problem that needs to be addressed at the federal level. Patent assertion entities or “patent trolls” unfairly target legitimate companies across the spectrum with their frivolous lawsuits, which stifle growth and have devastating economic impacts. In 2011 alone, patent trolls cost businesses $29 billion in direct […]
i2Coalition Joins in Re-Launching ECPA Reform Effort
Reforming the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) has been a public policy priority for the i2Coalition since we launched one-year ago. The outdated law was enacted in 1986 and despite considerable technology advances since that time, the law is largely unchanged. ECPA creates technologically outdated exceptions to the Constitution’s requirement of a warrant. This exception […]
Top 10 List: i2Coalition Celebrates One-Year Anniversary
When we established the i2Coalition in September 2012, we had several main goals, including educating the policymakers, opinion leaders and the public about the Internet Infrastructure industry and establishing ourselves as the principal voice and leading advocate for our industry.
SXSW Panel Picker: Vote Early, Vote Often
SXSW Interactive is scheduled for March 2014 in Austin, Texas and promises to be even more exciting than last year. The i2Coalition was proud to participate in the 2013 conference and next year we’re looking forward to being even more involved. We’re participating in three panel discussions for the conference and we need your help! Please vote for […]