Working Groups & Initiatives: Tech Policy Briefing
Related Public Policy Posts
The Difference Between the NSA and “Everyone Else”
The following post originally appeared on The WHIR. A frequent statement making the rounds among those debating the PRISM disclosures is that most every other country’s intelligence agencies do the same thing. While I don’t doubt that they do, and in some cases expect that their activities are more intrusive, the revelations about the NSA […]
Internet Infrastructure Coalition Statement on Patent Troll Legislation
Washington, DC – Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition) Co-Founder and Board Chair Christian Dawson today released the following statement on The Innovation Act of 2013, legislation to address the problems stemming from “patent trolls”: “With a $29 billion dollar hit to businesses in direct payouts in 2001 alone, abuse of the current patent system is a […]
i2Coalition Headed to Indonesia for Internet Governance Forum
Since the Internet Infrastructure Coalition launched more than a year ago, we’ve made connecting with the international community a prime focus. As the unified voice of our industry’s public policy goals, it is crucial to actively participate on a global scale and work with our international colleagues to develop a path forward to reach common […]
Open-Xchange Joins i2Coalition in Support of an Open Internet
The following is a guest post by Jon McCarrick, Hosting Evangelist, of Open-Xchange. This last week, Open-Xchange completed the process of becoming a member of the i2Coalition. Open-Xchange believes that the world should enjoy an open internet where consumers and SMBs are able to trust in the internet and providers that deliver such services. As […]
i2Coalition Urges Surveillance Panel on Greater Transparency, Multistakeholder Process
The i2Coalition has been at the forefront calling for greater transparency and privacy protections concerning the U.S. government’s surveillance activities. The likely economic impacts from the government’s program have yet to be fully realized though estimates already predict a $35 billion loss in revenue over the next three years for the U.S. cloud computing industry. […]
Why the Internet Infrastructure Coalition is Essential in the Post Snowden World
The Internet Infrastructure Coalition brings together the diverse community that builds the physical Internet. Though the Internet Infrastructure industry is generally thought of as a group dominated by large telecommunications firms and a few dominant Internet powerhouses, the companies that build and provide the vast majority of the world’s Internet infrastructure are small to medium-sized […]