Working Groups & Initiatives: Tech Policy Briefing
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SXSW Panel Picker: Vote Early, Vote Often
SXSW Interactive is scheduled for March 2014 in Austin, Texas and promises to be even more exciting than last year. The i2Coalition was proud to participate in the 2013 conference and next year we’re looking forward to being even more involved. We’re participating in three panel discussions for the conference and we need your help! Please vote for […]
Internet Infrastructure Coalition Sends Letter to Congressional Leaders Urging Government Transparency, Emphasizing Economic Impact
Washington, DC – The Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition) today sent letters to Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Dianne Feinstein and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers. The letters urge greater transparency in national security-related requests by the US government and emphasize the real economic impact that recent revelations about the NSA’s practices are having on the […]
Internet Infrastructure Coalition Statement on NSA Review Panel
Washington, DC – Internet Infrastructure Coalition Co-Founder and Board Chairman Christian Dawson today released the following statement discussing the expected White House announcement of the NSA review panel: “It is disappointing that despite previously stating he wanted more transparency when it comes to our intelligence gathering, the President has named a group of Washington insiders that are all […]
New GAO Report Highlights Need for Patent Reform
Patent reform is one of the i2Coalition’s top legislative priorities. Patent Assertion Entities, commonly referred to as patent trolls, cost the Internet infrastructure industry valuable resources and stifle economic growth with their frivolous lawsuits. We have long supported a legislative fix to the chronic problems caused by patent trolls. The Coalition for Patent Fairness has […]
Rep. Kline Tours Data Sales
The following is a guest post from Bob Breckner of Data Sales: At HostingCon in Austin, TX early this summer, Christian Dawson, Board Chair of i2Coalition, spoke and encouraged those in attendance to contact their Congressional delegation and encourage them to visit businesses their districts. Intrigued by the idea, I reached out to U.S. […]
Join the WHIR and Special Partner i2Coalition at WHIR Event DC on Thursday
The following originally appeared on The WHIR: Next week we host our annual WHIR networking event in Washington, DC at The Gryphon. The event will be held on Thursday August 22 from 6:00 – 9:00 pm. This year we’ve partnered with the Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition). If you haven’t heard of this organization, now’s the […]