Working Groups & Initiatives: Tech Policy Briefing
Related Public Policy Posts
Goodlatte’s Discussion Draft: One Step Closer to Needed Patent Reform
Abuse of the current patent system is a chronic problem that needs to be addressed at the federal level. Patent assertion entities or “patent trolls” unfairly target legitimate companies across the spectrum with their frivolous lawsuits, which stifle growth and have devastating economic impacts. In 2011 alone, patent trolls cost businesses $29 billion in direct […]
i2Coalition Joins in Re-Launching ECPA Reform Effort
Reforming the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) has been a public policy priority for the i2Coalition since we launched one-year ago. The outdated law was enacted in 1986 and despite considerable technology advances since that time, the law is largely unchanged. ECPA creates technologically outdated exceptions to the Constitution’s requirement of a warrant. This exception […]
Top 10 List: i2Coalition Celebrates One-Year Anniversary
When we established the i2Coalition in September 2012, we had several main goals, including educating the policymakers, opinion leaders and the public about the Internet Infrastructure industry and establishing ourselves as the principal voice and leading advocate for our industry.
Thank You i2Coalition: We Have a Voice in Congress
The following is a guest post by Jude Augusta from GlowTouch Technologies. As the one year anniversary of the i2Coalition draws near, it invites a time of reflection and contemplation upon the amazing accomplishments that this dynamic group has successfully executed. The i2Coalition has established itself as the leading voice for the Internet infrastructure and […]
One Year In, i2Coalition Continues Leading on Key Issues
Group celebrates anniversary, looks forward to building on successes in the year to come Washington, DC — The Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition), comprised of over sixty member companies representing Internet infrastructure providers and related tech firms, today celebrates its one year anniversary following its launch on September 17, 2012. The i2Coalition had an extremely successful inaugural year, […]
Study: Patent Trolls’ Use of Business Method Patents on the Rise
The Internet infrastructure industry is frustratingly aware of the damaging affect patent assertion entities (PAEs) or “patent trolls” have on the economy. The baseless lawsuits filed by these patent trolls cost companies $29 billion in direct payouts in 2011. While our industry is a main target for patent trolls, the burdensome litigation impacts business as […]