News: In the Media
Join the WHIR and Special Partner i2Coalition at WHIR Event DC on Thursday
The following originally appeared on The WHIR: Next week we host our annual WHIR networking event in Washington, DC at The Gryphon. The event will be held on Thursday August 22 from 6:00 – 9:00 pm. This year we’ve partnered with the Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition). If you haven’t heard of this organization, now’s the […]
Internet Infrastructure Coalition Statement on President Obama’s Remarks on Intelligence Gathering
Washington, DC – Internet Infrastructure Coalition Co-Founder and Board Chairman Christian Dawson today released the following statement discussing the President’s remarks today concerning transparency and privacy protections in intelligence gathering: “The Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition) has repeatedly called for greater transparency and appropriate privacy protection when it comes to our nation’s intelligence gathering, and we […]
SoftLayer: A Brief History of Cloud Computing
The following is cross-posted with permission from SoftLayer’s blog The InnerLayer: Believe it or not, “cloud computing” concepts date back to the 1950s when large-scale mainframes were made available to schools and corporations. The mainframe’s colossal hardware infrastructure was installed in what could literally be called a “server room” (since the room would generally only […]
Amending Section 230: Bad Idea for the Internet
In 1996, Congress passed Section 230, an amendment to the Communications Decency Act that protects Internet providers from being liable for the content placed on their servers by users.
Video: “The Future of Customer Privacy” HostingCon Panel
The Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition) hosted a series of “Issues and Trends” panels with leaders of the Internet industry during HostingCon held in Austin, TX last month on June 17-19, 2013. The panels focused on the necessity of maintaining a free and open Internet, the future of privacy for customers, the importance of Internet infrastructure […]
Video: “Money Stealing Trolls” HostingCon Panel
The Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition) hosted a series of “Issues and Trends” panels with leaders of the Internet industry during HostingCon held in Austin, TX last month on June 17-19, 2013. The panels focused on the necessity of maintaining a free and open Internet, the future of privacy for customers, the importance of Internet infrastructure […]