Working Groups & Initiatives: Tech Policy Briefing
Related Public Policy Posts
Celebrating Data Innovation Day
As members of the Internet infrastructure industry, we often talk about new technologies and driving innovation for long-term growth of the Internet. That innovation extends beyond traditional mediums and is being celebrated today with the first annual Data Innovation Day. The i2Coalition is proud to be a partner organization on this important occasion that is […]
Celebrating Internet Freedom throughout the U.S.
Earlier this week I attended the Celebration of Internet Freedom event organized by CEA in Washington D.C., which i2Coalition co-sponsored. The celebration included a viewing of the documentary Silicon Prairie: America’s New Internet Economy produced by is produced by Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian. I recently saw the film when I attended CES a few weeks […]
A Night at the Newseum: Celebrating Internet Freedom
The following is a guest post by Richard Feller, i2Coalition Board Member and Founder of Hedgehog Hosting. Last night, I had the pleasure of attending CEA’s Celebration of Internet Freedomat the Newseum in Washington, D.C. The i2Coalition was a proud co-sponsor of the event, along with many others who value the openness of the web. […]
Moving Beyond WCIT: The Necessity of the Multistakeholder Model
The International Telecommunications Union’s (ITU) 2012 World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT) in Dubai has concluded after a busy two weeks. While we had hoped for a more constructive outcome, we look forward to participating in ongoing discussions from the conference. Pundits are weighing in as industry experts are continuing to deconstruct the conclusions of […]
WCIT-12 Update: Bringing It Back to Basics
Earlier today, I participated on a conference call with U.S. ITU Ambassador Terry Kramer who gave a substantive update on the environment on the ground at the International Telecommunications Union’s (ITU) 2012 World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT-12) in Dubai. There are several key takeaways from the call that I want to share with you. […]
A simple man’s view of the UN’s International Telecommunications Union meeting in Dubai
The following commentary is from i2Coalition Board Member Richard Feller cross-posted from HedgeHog Hosting. I have been reading article after article and blog post after blog post trying to decipher any concrete information about the current meeting of the ITU that is being held by the UN in Dubai these next two weeks, and while […]