Issues: Access to Data
We fight to ensure that Fourth and Ninth amendments translate to the digital world.
This is a crucial time for courts and legislators to establish principles pertaining to government access to data. Courts are now laying the foundation for the Fourth Amendment (search and seizure) to apply to a digital environment with recent decisions such as the Supreme Court’s ruling to impose limits on how cell phone data can be accessed in law enforcement investigations. Meanwhile, current laws such as the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) allow for warrantless access to data.
Government information collection is important for matters such as national security and criminal investigations; but for consumers and society it’s important that government access to data follows due process requirements, has a real positive impact on law enforcement activities, and does not undermine consumer confidence in the privacy of data.
Recent Updates On Access to Data
ECPA Victory In The House: What’s Next?
ECPA reform sends a strong message to the marketplace that Congress understands that law enforcement access to data is a critical issue our members face.
House Action Brings Email Privacy Into The 20th Century With ECPA Reform
By establishing a clear and consistent policy, lawmakers better position American Internet companies to compete in the global marketplace.
Member Spotlight: Word to the Wise
At Word to the Wise, we’ve been deeply involved in email infrastructure development, and we wanted to expand our perspective to look more broadly at internet infrastructures.
Joint Letter To Feinstein And Burr On Encryption Legislation
This letter addresses the recent introduction of the discussion draft of an anti-encryption bill, the Compliance with Court Orders Act of 2016.
Encryption: Balancing The Needs Of Law Enforcement And The Fourth Amendment Testimony
i2Coalition Co-Founder and Chairman of the Board, David Snead appeared at a congressional summit on encryption at Rice University.
Bring The Nerds
Don’t miss i2Coalition Executive Director, Christian Dawson speaking at New America on the Open Technology Institute panel: Bring The Nerds.