Issues:Â Internet Governance
We support the interests of Internet infrastructure providers in the multi-stakeholder Internet governance model.
Since its early days, the Internet has been governed on a collaborative basis, with constituents sharing ideas and debating best practices. Internet governance has become more complex as it’s grown, but it still follows a collaborative “multi-stakeholder model” where consensus includes representatives from governments, businesses, civil society groups, individuals, and more.
We make sure our members are informed about what is happening in Internet governance, and that our members’ concerns are addressed, especially in multi-stakeholder forums like the meetings of ICANN (a not-for-profit partnership that represents the multiple stakeholders that make up Internet governance).
The i2Coalition ICANN Working Group analyses complicated and technical Internet governance issues and provide members information they need to form an informed stance on each issue. The Committee then decides on a position on these issues and coordinates i2Coalition engagement with the multi-stakeholder communities that manage the root and other global functions of the Internet.
The i2Coalition ICANN Committee represents the industry when ICANN brings together the multi-stakeholder community at ICANN’s three yearly meetings and beyond.
Recent Updates On Internet Governance
How Supporting the Dot Amazon gTLD Strengthens Global Internet Cooperation
This article originally appeared on CircleID. By Christian Dawson, Executive Director, i2Coalition With the backlash against tech companies gaining steam, we’ve seen certain contrarian members of the media taking indiscriminate aim at companies and issues without due cause. This is what happened when Financial Times columnist Gillian Tett, in a March 7th editorial, inaccurately portrayed a […]
Server Side: David Snead on i2Coalition/eco Transatlantic Dialogues Privacy Roundtables
i2Coalition co-founder and cPanel general counsel David Snead talks about the upcoming roundtables on privacy shield and transatlantic data flows, and other industry initiatives.
Server Side: Frank Stiff & Michele Neylon On 2018 And Looking Forward To 2019
“The president of France essentially said that self-regulation didn’t work and they would be imposing regulation to “fix the bad stuff on the Internet.” That kind of statement from a major power is deeply worrying.”
Crucial ISOC and ICANN Board Roles Open For Nominations
For Internet infrastructure community leaders looking to get involved in the governance of the Internet, critical leadership roles are open for nomination.
GDPR For The Domain Industry After the Playbook – A Workshop
Member companies of both eco and i2Coalition are invited to join an exclusive workshop on Thursday, October 25th at 12:00 Barcelona time. This workshop will focus on what we have learned since GDPR has been implemented.
i2Coalition Supports Open Internet and Multistakeholder Model in Comments to NTIA
The i2Coalition responded to a request for comments on International Internet policy.