News: In the Media
Join Us for the 3rd Annual i2Coalition Fly-In
Next month, the i2Coalition will hold our 3rd annual member fly-in in Washington D.C. to meet directly with U.S. legislators who are making critical decisions that impact the Internet infrastructure industry each and every day.
Response to ECJ’s Rejection of the U.S. Safe Harbour Agreement
U.S. government overreach, and not the actions of infrastructure providers.
Judicial Redress Act Letter
On behalf of our more than 80 member companies who build and maintain the infrastructure of the Internet, we thank you for your support of H.R.1428, the Judicial Redress Act of 2015.
HEG Joins the i2Coalition
The i2Coalition is pleased to welcome Host Europe Group (HEG) as its newest member.
i2Coalition Welcomes Four New Members to the Board
With 11 members, the i2C Board of Directors encompasses expertise from all parts of the Internet
Open-Xchange Invites i2Coaltion Members To Annual Summit In Berlin, October 8-9.
The following is a guest post from i2Coalition member Open-Xchange CEO, Rafael Laguna Our journey together continues at the OX Summit in Berlin. Rafael Laguna, CEO of German-based software provider Open-Xchange, invites you to join him at the forthcoming OX Summit in Berlin. If past years are anything to go by, it will be a […]