i2Coalition Joins Multi-Association Letter to Commerce Department and Submits Comments for Reconsideration of IaaS Know Your Customer Proposals
The Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition) signed on to a multi-association letter to Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo and filed comments with the Commerce Department on April 29 seeking reconsideration of a sweeping Proposed Rule to implement two separate U.S. Executive Orders, E.O. 13984 (Taking Additional Steps to Address the National Emergency with Respect to Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities) and E.O. 14110 (Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence).
The i2Coalition has grave concerns about the likely-harmful effects of the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Proposed Rule on a wide range of companies in the Internet ecosystem, and on Internet users across the world who value their privacy and security. Our members—most of whom are small- to medium-sized businesses, but who operate globally—create a fundamental layer upon which user-facing Internet applications, services, and platforms rely; and they enhance that layer for security. The Proposed Rule would have costly, counterproductive, and disruptive impacts on the business operations of our membership. The i2Coalition has joined with other industry leaders to urge the Commerce Department to reconsider its proposals and not to rush out rules that are procedurally and substantively defective, would be ineffective in accomplishing the goals described in the IaaS rulemaking, would significantly disrupt and harm large parts of the Internet ecosystem, and deprive Internet users around the world of important security tools.
You can read the multi-association letter here:
The i2Coalition comments detailed numerous flaws in the Proposed Rule, including its overbroad scope, flawed cost burdens analysis, lack of compliance standards, serious procedural defects, and the absence of evidence that it would be effective. Overall, this attempt to impose a sea change on how the Internet works would do much more harm than good.
You can read the i2Coalition’s full comments here:
About the i2Coalition
The Internet Infrastructure Coalition (“i2Coalition”) ensures that those who build the infrastructure of the Internet have a voice in public policy. With more than 100 member brands, we are a leading voice for web hosting companies, data centers, domain registrars and registries, cloud infrastructure providers, managed services providers, and related tech. We protect innovation and the continued growth of the Internet’s infrastructure which is essential to the global economy. Find out more about the benefits of i2Coalition membership here.