i2Coalition Members Make A Difference in Washington
As many of you know, May was host to our 2017 Congressional Fly-In. The event was a resounding success. We’d like to thank our i2Coalition 2017 Congressional Fly-In sponsors: ayAfilias, Open-Xchange, and CTA (Consumer Technology Association) for helping to make the event possible.
During our first day, the i2Coalition conducted successful meetings between our members and legislators from the House and Senate, representatives the FBI, the Homeland Affairs Committee, the Government Affairs Committee, the Department of Commerce, and more. This was the first time i2Coalition members were able to schedule meetings with administration officials.

Our Washington DC i2Brew networking event, sponsored by i2Coalition member Open-Xchange, was a hit. We were very excited to have cybersecurity expert Allan Friedman join us to discuss his popular book, Cybersecurity and Cyberwar: What Everyone Needs to Know. Attendees were able to discuss their cyber security concerns and leave with signed copies of the book.

We began our second day with an exclusive breakfast at the CTA Innovation House on Capitol Hill. Congressman Kevin Yoder (R-KS) joined us to discuss the impact of ECPA (Electronic Communications Privacy Act) and other negative legislation on innovation and consumer confidence.
After a day filled with congressional meetings, our members enjoyed an informal networking moment at a Capitol Hill favorite, Hawk’n’Dove. We then concluded the Fly-In with the ceremony for our annual i2Coalition Internet Leadership Awards at the Rayburn House Office Building. The event was sponsored by i2Coalition member Afilias. We’d like to thank the recipients of our 2017 Champion of Internet Freedom Award, Representative Robert Goodlatte (R-VA) and Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT). Their good legislative work continues to make the innovation in the internet infrastructure industry possible. The i2Coalition also presented a member of its own community with its annual Internet Community Leadership Award. This award honors those from the industry who engage policy and governance, keeping the industry’s best interests at heart.
Elliot Noss, President and Chief Executive Officer of Tucows, accepted this prestigious award and provided keynote remarks to close the ceremony.
Most of all we would like to thank the members of the i2Coalition for continuing to fight for innovation in the internet’s infrastructure. Without your membership and attendance, the positive impact the i2Coalition makes would not be possible.