Internet Infrastructure Coalition Statement on Patent Troll Legislation
Washington, DC – Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition) Co-Founder and Board Chair Christian Dawson today released the following statement on The Innovation Act of 2013, legislation to address the problems stemming from “patent trolls”:
“With a $29 billion dollar hit to businesses in direct payouts in 2001 alone, abuse of the current patent system is a drastic problem that needs to be addressed. The Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition) applauds Chairman Goodlatte and Representatives DeFazio, Coble, Lofgren, Smith, Eshoo, Chaffetz, Farenthold and Bachus for their ongoing leadership on this issue, including The Innovation Act of 2013, put forth today.
“As patent trolls continue to impact our nation’s economy by attacking legitimate businesses, Congress needs to act. Frivolous lawsuits such as those put forth by patent trolls are a drag on innovation for our i2Coalition members – those that make up the nuts and bolts of the Internet. We look forward to continue working with Chairman Goodlatte and others to put an end to these abusive lawsuits and promote an innovative, growing and dynamic American economy.”