A Call for Progress on Transatlantic Data Protection Following the G20 Summit
Following the G20 summit in Japan, a joint paper by eco and i2Coalition emphasizes the importance of a new transatlantic data protection agreement.
Debate on transatlantic data protection is reaching a fever pitch both in the US and in the EU, threatening to destabilize the EU-US Privacy Shield which has been governing the safe movement of data across borders. This is having the effect of causing great uncertainty among companies.
Earlier this year, we organized three roundtables on the EU-US Privacy Shield in cooperation with the eco Association on transatlantic solutions for data protection. We were able to use our experiences at these events to provide important feedback to the G20 Ministerial Meeting on Trade and Digital Economy which took place on June 8 and 9 in Tsukuba, Ibaraki, and resulted in the G20’s Ministerial Statement on Trade and Digital Economy (PDF).
As the leading associations of the Internet industry in the U.S. and Europe, i2Coaltion and eco offer the following commentary: