Update on Intelligence Authorization Act
Removal of this provision was our highest legislative priority this fall.
Removal of this provision was our highest legislative priority this fall.
Today we are proud to mark the occasion of i2Coalition’s third birthday. That’s three years of fighting for innovation on the cloud – three years of building a legacy of advocacy, education and best practices that is making the Internet a better, safer place for the countless businesses that make up the cloud. Thanks to […]
The following is a guest post from i2Coalition member Open-Xchange CEO, Rafael Laguna Our journey together continues at the OX Summit in Berlin. Rafael Laguna, CEO of German-based software provider Open-Xchange, invites you to join him at the forthcoming OX Summit in Berlin. If past years are anything to go by, it will be a […]
The leader in payment processing solutions (Cayan) joins the i2Coalition.
David Snead has been appointed to the Industry Trade Advisory Committee on Information and Communications Technologies, Services, and Commerce.
Interested in the future of internet governance? ICANN53 has come and gone, but here are the developments from the conference.
As the Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition) prepares to attend our 9th ICANN meeting, we humbly present your 2015 guide to ICANN53.
Thank you for being a part our group’s role in shepherding the biggest curtailing of surveillance in a generation, into law.
Critical Surveillance Reform Legislation Heads to President Obama for Final Passage