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SoftLayer: A Brief History of Cloud Computing
The following is cross-posted with permission from SoftLayer’s blog The InnerLayer: Believe it or not, “cloud computing” concepts date back to the 1950s when large-scale mainframes were made available to schools and corporations. The mainframe’s colossal hardware infrastructure was installed in what could literally be called a “server room” (since the room would generally only […]
Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition) Statement on Reps. Amash and Conyers’ Amendment Limiting NSA Surveillance Activities
Washington, DC – Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition) Co-Founder and Board Chair Christian Dawson today released the following statement on an amendment put forth by Congressmen Amash and Conyers to curtail the NSA’s surveillance practices: “It is unfortunate that Congress voted today against the privacy of American citizens. The Amash/Conyers amendment would have ensured that our […]
Amending Section 230: Bad Idea for the Internet
In 1996, Congress passed Section 230, an amendment to the Communications Decency Act that protects Internet providers from being liable for the content placed on their servers by users.
Final Thoughts on ICANN47
i2Coalition is wrapping up its third engagement in ICANN at the ICANN47 meeting in Durban, South Africa. I got to connect with members and friends, and a lot of exciting companies in the Internet infrastructure space. We came to ICANN to focus on finding ways that we can strengthen the multistakeholder model by bringing it voices and perspectives that are underrepresented. Specifically […]
i2Coalition Statement on Reps. Issa and Chu’s Patent Troll Legislation
Washington, DC – Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition) Co-Founder and Board Chair Christian Dawson today released the following statement on legislation put forth by Representatives Issa and Chu to address the problems stemming from “patent trolls”: “i2Coalition applauds Representatives Issa and Chu for their leadership fighting patent troll abuse and improving patent quality.  Patent trolls now account […]
Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition) Signs Letter to Officials Urging Government Transparency
Washington, DC – The Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition) today joined other leaders from a wide spectrum of industries in signing a letter to President Obama, Attorney General Holder, and other leaders in government. The letter urges greater transparency in national security-related requests by the US government to Internet, telephone, and web-based service providers for information […]