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Video: “The Future of Customer Privacy” HostingCon Panel
The Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition) hosted a series of “Issues and Trends” panels with leaders of the Internet industry during HostingCon held in Austin, TX last month on June 17-19, 2013. The panels focused on the necessity of maintaining a free and open Internet, the future of privacy for customers, the importance of Internet infrastructure […]
Video: “Money Stealing Trolls” HostingCon Panel
The Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition) hosted a series of “Issues and Trends” panels with leaders of the Internet industry during HostingCon held in Austin, TX last month on June 17-19, 2013. The panels focused on the necessity of maintaining a free and open Internet, the future of privacy for customers, the importance of Internet infrastructure […]
Video: “The Borderless Internet” HostingCon Panel
The Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition) hosted a series of “Issues and Trends” panels with leaders of the Internet industry during HostingCon held in Austin, TX last month on June 17-19, 2013. The panels focused on the necessity of maintaining a free and open Internet, the future of privacy for customers, the importance of Internet infrastructure […]
Initial Thoughts on ICANN 47: Why a Multistakeholder Process is Essential
I arrived in Durban, South Africa on Friday, July 12 to represent the i2Coalition at ICANN 47. Over the weekend, I worked on talking with various constituency groups as they plan for the conference, which runs through July 19. The majority of my engagement is with groups that fall within the Generic Names Supporting Organization, or GNSO. The […]
Why i2Coalition is Going to Durban
I will be traveling to Durban, South Africa late this week to represent the i2Coalition at the next ICANN meeting on July 12 to 19. This will be i2Coalition’s third trip to an ICANN conference, as we continue our commitment to engaging in, and showing our substantial support for, the multistakeholder process of Internet governance. The i2Coalition has decided to apply […]
WebNet Hosting Joins Internet Advocacy and Innovation Leader i2Coalition
WebNet Hosting, a fully managed dedicated server and cloud hosting provider, has announced today that the company has joined forces with other leaders in the industry as a member of the Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition). The i2Coalition is made up of U.S. and international Internet infrastructure providers and technology firms that share a common mission […]