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i2Coalition Member Spotlight: Monarx
Monarx delivers automatic malware protection for web hosting providers. Through superior technology born from a passion for solving hard problems, Monarx is turning the tide in the never-ending battle to protect the world’s websites from cyberattack, and is also a member of the i2Coalition. We connected with Monarx CEO Jeremy Warren to chat about next-generation […]
Internet Governance Workshop: A Resilient Multistakeholder Model in Times of Change
As the European Union becomes increasingly active on digital and trade issues, the i2Coalition is committed to amplifying the voices of its members across Europe. To this end, the i2Coalition will showcase its diverse membership on issues of importance ahead of the 2024 elections—when both the Parliament and the Commission will be renewed—through four thematic […]

i2Coalition Signs Letter Expressing Serious Concerns Over EARN-IT Act
Ahead of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s planned markup of S. 1207, the EARN IT Act, on May 4, the Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition) and 10 other tech industry and advocacy groups sent a letter to the committee’s leadership to express serious concerns over some of the bill’s provisions. The May 1 letter points out that […]

i2Coalition April 2023 Legislative Update
i2Coalition April 2023 Legislative Brief
Your brief update on important Internet policy issues OUTLOOK The impending potential default of the United States looms over Washington as the standoff between House Republicans and President Biden over raising the debt ceiling continues. House Republicans unveiled budget-cutting and debt ceiling legislation and approved it on April 26 by a close 217-215 vote. The […]