Banning Encryption Article Roundup: UPDATE
We’ve collected a series of articles to help navigate the debate around encryption on the Internet that has ebbed and flowed for nearly twenty years.
i2Coalition articles and news updates regarding changes to United States Internet or technology polices.
We’ve collected a series of articles to help navigate the debate around encryption on the Internet that has ebbed and flowed for nearly twenty years.
The i2Coalition is proud to join with New America’s Open Technology Institute and a broad coalition of more than 40 organizations and companies in calling on our leaders in Washington to reform the USA PATRIOT Act.
The wholesale ban on encryption will be an initiative that most other countries won’t be keen on trying to implement.
Congratulations on a hard-fought victory on net neutrality this week. Unfortunately, much hard work protecting the open Internet remains to be done. The longstanding fight to protect the Open Internet will continue to be hashed out in court rooms, on Capitol Hill and FCC over the next few years. We need to be diligent about […]
What follows is a letter that was sent by i2Coalition to U.S. Senator John Thune, Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation – in advance of hearings on “Preserving the Multistakeholder Model of Internet Governance” this week: February 25, 2015 The Honorable John Thune United States Senator Chairman, U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, […]
SXSW Interactive is less than a month away and the i2Coalition is excited to be part of the action!
i2Coalition Co-founder and Public Policy Chair David Snead issued the following statement on the introduction of the bipartisan Innovation Act.
The i2Coalition is proud to join with the Center for Democracy and Technology and many others in a joint statement to Congressional leaders expressing our concerns about the potential federal criminal liability for entities that host user-generated content.
Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coaliton) Co-Founder and Board Chairman Christian Dawson released the following statement in response to President Obama’s 2015 State of the Union address.
Governments. The Internet. Freedom. Privacy. Security. When you put all of those terms together it’s usually because they’ve had yet another head-on collision.