Legislative Update


i2Coalition January 2023 Legislative Update
i2Coalition January 2023 Legislative Brief
Your brief update on important Internet policy issues OUTLOOK The U.S. Congress spent much of its efforts during January on organizing and populating its legislative and operational committees. Following a lengthy process involving fifteen rounds of voting and extensive negotiations on rule changes and committee assignments with a select group of Republican conservative Representatives who […]
i2Coalition EU Monitoring Report: January 2023

i2Coalition December 2022 Legislative Update
i2Coalition December 2022 Legislative Brief
Your brief update on important Internet policy issues OUTLOOK With the 117th Congress drawing to a close, the U.S. House and Senate aim to pass a nearly $1.7 trillion FY 2023 omnibus federal government spending bill before adjourning for the holiday break. If the omnibus spending bill is not passed by a December 23 deadline, […]
i2Coalition EU Monitoring Report: December 2022
i2Coalition Nov. 2022 Legislative Brief
Your brief update on important Internet policy issues Outlook With the November 8 midterm elections concluded, Republicans successfully regained control of the U.S. House for the next (118th) Congress that begins on January 3, 2023, but by a far narrower margin than they had expected. Democrats have retained control in the next Congress of the […]

i2Coalition Nov. 2022 Legislative Update
i2Coalition Oct. 2022 Legislative Brief
Your brief update on important Internet policy issues. OUTLOOK The midterm elections on November 8 will determine political control of the U.S. House and Senate starting in January 2023. The results will substantially influence U.S. policy-making efforts in key economic sectors for the next two years and have a major impact on the Biden administration’s […]