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SiteGround joins the i2Coalition
The following is a guest post from Tenko Nikolov, CEO of SiteGround. I remember back in 2011 when the anti-SOPA campaign was in full swing.  I feared that the web companies were the only ones standing against this threat of unseen censorship over the internet usage, that we had no chance against much older and more […]
i2Coalition Appoints Blacknight CEO Michele Neylon to Board
Today, the i2Coalition announced the appointment of Blacknight Internet Solutions CEO Michele Neylon to the coalition’s board.
The SSL Store Joins i2Coalition
The following is commentary by Kevin Johnson, Channel Manager for The SSL Store™, about becoming a member of the i2Coalition. The SSL Store™ is the largest provider of SSL certificates in the world and the first Web Security Specialist Partner of Symantec. We take the utmost pride in offering SSL certificates and other web security solutions […]
i2Coalition Statement on White House “Big Data” Report
Washington, DC – Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coaliton) Co-Founder and Board Chair Christian Dawson released the following statement on the release of the White House report “Big Data: Seizing Opportunities, Preserving Values,” which included a recommendation for updating ECPA: “Updating the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) has long been a priority for i2Coalition, and we are […]
i2Coalition Signs Big Tent Coalition Letter to Congress on Patent Reform
Washington, DC – The Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition) today joined with nearly 400 other members of the Big Tent Coalition to send a letter to Senate Judiciary Chairman Leahy and Ranking Member Grassley in support of a strong patent bill. The full text of the letter, which will also be sent to the rest of […]
i2Coalition Statement on NETmundial Global Multistakeholder Meeting Report
Washington, DC – This week, NETmundial released a report on the conclusions from their “Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance.” The Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition) submitted public comments in advance of this meeting, many of which were incorporated in the final NETmundial statement. Below is a statement from i2Coalition Co-Founder and Public […]