Goodlatte’s Discussion Draft: One Step Closer to Needed Patent Reform
Abuse of the current patent system is a chronic problem that needs to be addressed at the federal level. Patent assertion entities or “patent trolls” unfairly target legitimate companies across the spectrum with their frivolous lawsuits, which stifle growth and have devastating economic impacts. In 2011 alone, patent trolls cost businesses $29 billion in direct payouts.
Patent reform is a top public policy priority for the i2Coalition. Since the i2Coalition launched a year ago, we have been active in the patent reform debate and have worked to educate members of Congress and the public about the need for reform. Along with our industry allies, we will continue to advocate for a legislative solution to the patent reform problems.
The good news is members of Congress are beginning to take patent reform seriously as evidenced by the number of bills under consideration this session. Earlier this week, House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) formally released his second discussion draft aimed at helping to stop the abuse of the patent system caused by patent trolls. While no one piece of legislation is a “one-size-fits-all” solution to address all needed patent reforms, the discussion draft is a solid step toward finding permanent solutions. The bill would help clarify some of the ambiguity within the current system to make it more difficult for patent trolls to operate and offer great protections for legitimate businesses.
We hope Chairman Goodlatte and members of the House Judiciary Committee will continue working to move the discussion draft forward. Please consider contacting your member of Congress to let them know you support patent reform. To learn more about the i2Coalition’s priorities, please visit our Public Policy page.