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Patent Reform: Thank You, Senator Cornyn!
Patent reform is a top priority for the i2Coaltion. The frivolous lawsuits filed by Patent Assertion Entities (PAEs) hinder innovation and unfairly target our industry. As such, the i2Coalition proudly endorses Sen. John Cornyn’s (R-TX) Patent Abuse Reduction Act of 2013. The i2Coalition’s Public Policy Working Group carefully reviewed the bill, finding that it would […]
i2Coalition Supports Senator Cornyn’s Patent Abuse Reduction Legislation
Washington, DC – Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition) co-founder and Public Policy Working Group Chair David Snead released the following statement following Senator Cornyn’s introduction of the Patent Abuse Reduction Act of 2013: “i2Coalition applauds Senator Cornyn for taking action to stop frivolous lawsuits by Patent Assertion Entities (“patent trolls”) through the introduction of the Patent […]
i2Coalition Applauds House Vote to Preserve Internet Freedom
One of the core public policy principles of the i2Coalition is the belief that a multistakeholder process is essential in any discussion about the Internet governance process. The i2Coalition has taken an active role globally in support of this ideal. A multistakeholder process is critical in ensuring that the Internet continues to be an engine […]
i2Coalition Sends Letter Urging Legislative Action to Defeat Patent Trolls
Christian Dawson, Co-Founder and Board Chairman of the Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition), sent a letter to Bob Goodlatte, Chairman of the House Committee on the Judiciary, urging amendment of the U.S. Patent Act. The current version of the act does not protect small to medium-sized businesses from victimization and frivolous lawsuits by Patent Assertion Entities […]
PIPA vs. ECPA: A Story of Education
Remember SOPA and PIPA? Of course you do. While defeating this bad legislation was a great victory for the Internet and one that should not be undervalued, the bill’s defeat didn’t magically teach Congress how the Internet worked. A lack of Internet education continued to threaten the Internet’s future. Fast forward nine short months to […]
Dedicated Server Provider XLHost Joins Internet Infrastructure Coalition
The following is a press release from PR Web about XLHost joining the i2Coalition: Columbus, OH based dedicated server provider XLHost joins the Internet Infrastructure Coalition. XLHost (, a leading dedicated server provider based in Columbus, OH announced today that it has joined the Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition), a group of global Internet infrastructure providers […]