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i2Coalition Webinar Answers the Question: Is Open-Source Software a ‘National Security Concern’?
In the wake of the Log4j vulnerability, the White House sent a letter to major software companies and developers in January to discuss ways to improve digital security in the cloud, pulling together participants for what they called an “Open Source Software Security Summit”. In the invitation, White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan noted […]
i2Coalition Member Spotlight Q&A: Jungle Disk
Jungle Disk provides data protection services to businesses using the Internet. While many companies were using tape backup, it was one of the first backup services to use cloud storage and Amazon S3, making it a much more reliable and consistent service than alternatives. In this interview, we talk with Jungle Disk President and CEO […]
i2Coalition March 2022 Legislative Brief
Your brief update on important Internet policy issues OUTLOOK The Russian war on Ukraine, and its impact on the global economy and U.S. foreign policy, command substantial attention in Washington, even as numerous policy priorities proceed. On Mar. 28, President Biden officially unveiled his FY 2023 budget. Congress has begun reviewing Biden’s proposals and identifying […]

i2Coalition March 2022 Legislative Update
Your update on important Internet policy issues OUTLOOK The Russian war on Ukraine, and its impact on the global economy and U.S. foreign policy, command substantial attention in Washington, even as numerous policy priorities proceed. On Mar. 28, President Biden officially unveiled his FY 2023 budget. Congress has begun reviewing Biden’s proposals and identifying the […]
Press Release: The VPN Trust Initiative Responds to War in Ukraine Regarding Access to Crucial Online Tools
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Washington, D.C. March 8, 2022 The availability of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) provides users digital privacy, security, access to truthful information, and the ability to communicate with less fear of repercussions. VPNs have been crucial digital tools in the face of global threats in the past, and the ongoing war in Ukraine […]
i2Coalition Executive Director Addresses European Commission Report on DNS Abuse in Letter to ICANN
Download Letter (PDF) In a letter to the ICANN Board, i2Coalition Executive Director Christian Dawson explained how a new European Commission report on DNS abuse defines it in overly broad terms – specifically that it includes content issues. This would negatively impact the existing systems in place that involve ICANN, Internet infrastructure companies, or other actors […]