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Server Side: Monica Sanders On i2Coalition 2019 Policy Initiatives
Monica Sanders, i2Coalition Policy Director and Christian Dawson review an eventful 2018 and look forward to 2019.
Server Side: Frank Stiff & Michele Neylon On 2018 And Looking Forward To 2019
“The president of France essentially said that self-regulation didn’t work and they would be imposing regulation to “fix the bad stuff on the Internet.” That kind of statement from a major power is deeply worrying.”
Announcing The 2019 Board of Directors: Melinda Clem Named Chair Elect
The i2Coalition has announced the results of its 2019 elections for the Board of Directors and Board leadership roles. As previously planned, current i2Coalition Chair Elect, Cheval Capital President Frank Stiff, will replace outgoing Board Chair Michele Neylon and serve as i2Coalition’s Board Chair for 2019. In addition Melinda Clem, Vice President of Strategy for […]
i2Coalition Releases Statement On Australian Encryption Law Passing
On December 6th, the Australian Internet Parliament formally passed the “Assistance and Access Bill.” This package includes a series of provisions which require tech firms to help the country’s security agencies bypass encrypted communications in their systems. i2Coalition Executive Director Christian Dawson issued the following statement: “The i2Coalition is disappointed to see this problematic bill […]
Crucial ISOC and ICANN Board Roles Open For Nominations
For Internet infrastructure community leaders looking to get involved in the governance of the Internet, critical leadership roles are open for nomination.
A Section 230 Rewrite, Midterm Results, and Human Rights Concerns: November-December 2018 Legislative Update
After midterms, Congress is headed into an abbreviated lame-duck session and a season of more potential reshuffling in the Executive Branch.