Comments Presented To UK Parliament on Snooper’s Charter
i2Coalition recently responded to the UK Parliament’s Science and Technology Committee request for evidence on the “Snooper’s Charter” or Draft Investigatory Powers Bill.
i2Coalition recently responded to the UK Parliament’s Science and Technology Committee request for evidence on the “Snooper’s Charter” or Draft Investigatory Powers Bill.
Blacknight Just over a week ago I was in Washington DC as part of the Internet Infrastructure Coalition’s delegation. Over the course of two days we met with quite a few Hill staffers, congress people and representatives.
NamesCon is the leading industry event and the largest commercial domain name conference. The event is annual, taking place in Las Vegas each January.
Our members have met with members of Congress from both the House of Representatives and The Senate as well as industry experts in order to make sure that the voices of the internet infrastructure industry are heard.
The initiative is committed to three core values that will drive the focus and activities of the working group: advocate, network and volunteer.
The i2C is on the ground in Joäo Pessoa, Brazil attending IGF 2015, the 10th anniversary of the Internet Governance Forum.
The Coalition has been very effective in its inaugural years, and there are myriad existing and new issues for us to tackle over the next three.
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