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Join the i2Coalition’s Diversity in Tech Mixer at CloudFest 2019
Celebrate diversity at the i2Coalition Diversity in Tech Mixer at CloudFest: 5 to 6 pm in the Buena Vista Bar of the Castillo Alcazar Hotel on Tuesday, March 26th. The Internet gives us potential to connect us all. And it’s not just important that it’s available to a wide variety of people, but that it’s […]
i2C March/April 2019 Legislative Update
We’re anticipating activity on privacy, intermediary liability, Facebook, and other topics impacting the online community in March and April.
Making the Internet Better by Learning and Sharing Domain Name Best Practices
Sharing our experiences and best practices benefits the entire domain industry and creates a better Internet. The Best Practices by TechOps initiative helps spread knowledge among registries and registrars. They’ve created documents that can be used by registries and registrars to guide their practices, and are looking for feedback and case studies on the best […]
How Supporting the Dot Amazon gTLD Strengthens Global Internet Cooperation
This article originally appeared on CircleID. By Christian Dawson, Executive Director, i2Coalition With the backlash against tech companies gaining steam, we’ve seen certain contrarian members of the media taking indiscriminate aim at companies and issues without due cause. This is what happened when Financial Times columnist Gillian Tett, in a March 7th editorial, inaccurately portrayed a […]
i2Coalition Statement on USMCA
The i2Coalition welcomes the digital chapter in the USMCA. Read a statement from David Snead, i2Coalition co-founder and policy working group chair.
i2Coalition January/February 2019 Legislative Update
Legislative business was held up at the beginning of 2019 with border wall discussions & negotiations to reopen the government, but there were significant outcomes including the re-organization of House and Senate committees and a handful of confirmation hearings in the Senate, including the hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee for U.S. Attorney General nominee William Barr.