Beat The Heat With i2Coalition And NamesCon At i2Brew Abu Dhabi!
Cool off with cocktails and a beautiful view of Abu Dhabi and the Persian Gulf.
Cool off with cocktails and a beautiful view of Abu Dhabi and the Persian Gulf.
Join us as we bring our members and local companies in the Belgian tech community together for an evening of networking and discussion in the Delirium Café.
The i2Coalition conducted successful meetings between our members and legislators from the House and Senate, representatives the FBI, the Homeland Affairs Committee, the Government Affairs Committee, the Department of Commerce, and more.
Meet i2Coalition Members and Internet Policy Experts.
The state of the Internet’s infrastructure remains strong; every aspect of the Internet has continued a rapid growth rate throughout 2016.
We’re looking forward to a busy fall of 2016! We’ll be adding events here as they are announced.
Join the i2Coalition for educational sessions, workshops, panels, exclusives luncheons, networking events and more at HostingCon Global 2016 in New Orleans.
Join us at the Burdock Brewery, in Toronto, Wednesday May 11th, 2016, 6-9 PM for our second i2Brew!
The event is open to all i2Coalition members, and other companies in the tech community.